Saturday, March 28, 2015

Kylie Jenner Says Lip Liner Changed Her Life

Kylie Jenner before and after liner (Instagram)
Kylie Jenner's lips have been a topic of hot debate, but she's sticking to the same old story: it's all about the lip liner.
In a hard-hitting interview with Grazia U.K., the Keeping Up With the Kardashians star revealed how her liner and contouring "definitely changed my life."
"I always have, like, every color lip liner [in my bag]," the 17 going on 25-year-old said. (How is she only 17?!)

Even though Kim Kardashian's half-sister likes to rock designer clothes — and a multi-thousand dollar drama-filled watch  Kylie goes to the drugstore for one beauty product.
"I love CVS," she confessed. "I get all my lashes from there."
"We definitely have great lashes in the family [naturally]," she continued, "but lately I've been obsessed with strip lashes... All I do is wear fake lashes! I love them."
Though you might think she'd turn to Kim for beauty advice, she actually looks to Khloé for tips.
"She always [told] me growing up to put sunscreen on my hands and face," Kylie said. "And [to] always wash my face before I go to sleep."

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