Friday, July 11, 2014

Kendall Jenner Makes Fun Of Kim Kardashian’s Height

Every height is represent on Keeping Up With The Kardashians. Khloe Kardashian and Kendall Jenner are tall, Kourtney and Kim Kardashian are short, and Kylie Jenner is somewhere in the middle. The other day, Kendall decided to poke a little fun at her older, but shorter sister, showing off the height difference in a series of Facebook photos.

Kim Kardashian is well aware of her short stature, but from time to time, her little sister likes to rub it in. This was certainly the case during Paris Haute Couture Fashion Week, when the reality stars met up to check out the hottest runway shows. Kendall, having already strutted her stuff on the runway, was eager to show Kim how much she didn’t fit in with the modeling crowd; she even had her older sister pose with several willowy models, otherwise known as the Balmain Army.

In one particularly notable picture, Kim gazed up at Kendall, who appeared to be a full head taller than her sibling. A gleeful Kendall posted the picture online, informing Twitter followers, “[Kim] looks up to ME.”

She may enjoy poking fun at Kim’s height, but Kendall still appreciates her sister’s support. Later reflecting on the evening, the model admitted that she’d had “a great time tonight with all these beautiful people.” Kim was in Kendall’s picture of these so-called beautiful people, so clearly, the compliment extends to the short reality star.

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