Friday, April 4, 2014

Germany promises to help Nigeria fight terrorism

German Chancellor, Angela Merkel
German Chancellor, Angela Merkel
German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, has promised her country’s readiness to assist Nigeria right terrorism in parts of the country.

Merkel made the promise on Wednesday evening during a bilateral meeting she had with President Goodluck Jonathan on the sidelines of the Fourth European Union-Africa Summit in Brussels, the capital of Belgium.

She said Germany would not hesitate to support Nigeria’s anti-terrorism fight because of her country’s belief that Nigeria’s stability was crucial to the West African sub-region.

She, however, did not disclose the details of the assistance her country was ready to offer.

She also promised to encourage German companies to invest in Nigeria’s power sector.

Jonathan had earlier informed Merkel that Nigeria would require further assistance from her country in the areas of power generation and checking terrorist activities.

During a separate bilateral meeting with the President of Bulgaria, Mr. Rosen Plevneliev, Jonathan said Nigeria was looking forward to receiving a trade delegation from Bulgaria in order to boost economic relations between the two countries.

He said time was ripe for the revitalization of the Nigeria-Bulgaria Bi-National Commission, which had its last meeting in 1989.

The President recalled the cordial relations between both countries in the 1970 during which period the National Arts Theatre in Lagos, which he described as “a national monument,” was built by a Bulgarian company.

He also commended Bulgarian companies for equipping Nigerian secondary schools for technical education during that decade.

“Let us increase trade and investment between the two countries. Nigeria has a vast area for investment and we believe we must add value to gas and crude oil, which is the only way to create jobs,” he said.

The President also said that his administration had been encouraging the private sector to invest more in the economy.

On his part, the Bulgarian President, while also commending the 50 years of diplomatic relations between both nations, stressed the need to deepen and expand the bilateral relations.

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