Monday, September 23, 2013

Rihanna's Instagram Gets Two People Arrested in Thailand

Rihanna's Instagram Gets Two People Arrested in Thailand
Here's a cute picture of Rihanna during her trip to Thailand. The singer posted this selfie of herself with a slow loris on Instagram two days ago, with the caption, "Look who was talkin dirty to me! #Thailand#nightlife." Rihanna was in Thailand for a brief respite, and she enjoyed herself by posing on the beach and amongst various species of wildlife.

While the picture Rihanna took with the slow loris seemed innocuous enough, it inadvertantly led to the arrest of two young men.

Apparently, the slow loris is a protected species, and so authorities used the picture to track down the individuals who allowed Rihanna to pose with one. One of the two men is 16. They both face charges of posession of protected animals, which could result in a four year prison sentence and a fine of $1,300. Authorities also confiscated two lorises from the men.

RIhanna has not commented on this issue, and it does not appear that she will get in trouble for posing with the loris. Following her trip to Thailand, she headed off to Singapore, where she performed Sunday.

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