Wednesday, August 14, 2013

"I was a victim of cybercrime" - Newly crowned Miss Teen USA

Miss Teen USA Cassidy Wolf
Cassidy Wolf should be on top of the world after being crowned Miss Teen USA Saturday in the Bahamas. But the 19-year-old is using her newfound fame to reveal a very dark private struggle.
Four months ago, Wolf, a California native, was notified that someone had tried to log into her Facebook account from a different state. Shortly after, she received an anonymous email from someone claiming to have hacked into the webcam on the computer in her bedroom. The stalker tried to extort the teen saying the photos would not be made public in return.
"I wasn't aware that somebody was watching me [on my webcam]," Wolf, who was targeted before she'd won her national title, told "The light [on the camera] didn't even go on, so I had no idea."
Read more here.

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