Sunday, May 19, 2013

Richest Country in the World – Top 10 List Based on Per Capita [2013]

#1) Qatar – Richest Country in the World and in Asia

GDP (PPP): $106,283.96
Capital City: Doha
 With a population of around 1.9 million and GDP equal to $182 Billion, Qatar is the world’s richest country. It lies in the Persian Gulf and it is a peninsula. It lies in the Middle East and is richest among all its Arab neighbors. Saudia Arabai lies to its south. Economy of this richest country is entirely dependent on Petroleum as it contributes nearly 85% in export earnings. Banking and Tourism are other areas where Qatar generates money.

#2) Luxembourg – Richest Country in Europe

GDP (PPP): $79,649.49
Capital City: Luxembourg

Holding the title of wealthiest country in Europe, Luxembourg is much famous as a tax heaven. Many billionaires from around the globe reside in this country to save themselves from taxes in their homeland.  It is the second richest country in the world. With a population of just around half million, it has striking contrast of green pastures of land alongside industrialized city. It lies in Europe and is headed by a Grand Duke. Banking, Steel Industry and telecommunications contribute heavily to its wealth.

#3) Singapore – World’s Third Richest Country

GDP (PPP): $61,046.96
Capital City:  Singapore
Singapore Buildings - Another Rich Country
Located in Southeast Asia and comprising of 63 islands, Singapore is a fully island country. On this list of top 10 wealthiest nations, it ranks third. It is one of the largest financial centers in the world and along with Taiwan, Hong Kong and South Korea, it forms the Four Asian Tigers. Its population is around 5.5 millions with majority of them practising Buddhism.

#4) Norway – One of the Richest European Country

GDP (PPP): $54,479
Capital City:  Oslo
Norway- One of the Wealthy Country
A country with roughly 5 million people, Norway ,coupled with high GDP and comparatively low population, it is one of the richest countries on Earth. Sharing its border with Finland, Sweden and Russia, it is a developed country. Economy of this rich nation depends on oil and natural gas reserves which is found around it.

#5) Hong Kong SAR – Second Richest Country in Asia

GDP (PPP): $50,716
Another fifth world's richest nation
Lying on China’s South coast, Hong Kong is the fifth richest country based on per capita income. It has a high GDP and it is a leading financial destination in the world as well as in Asia. It is a specially administrated region with its own currency but defence services by China.

#6) Brunei Darussalam

GDP (PPP): $50,440
Capital: Bandar Seri Begawan
One of the richest Countries
Located in Southeast Asia, Brunei generates its revenues from crude oil and natural gas exports. Revenues from petroleum contribute around 90% to its GDP. With a small population of less than half-a-million, Brunei is one of the least densely populated country in the world. Its sultan is one of the richest person in the world.

#7) United States of America

GDP (PPP): $49,601
Capital: Washington DC
One of the World's Richest Country
This country needs no introduction. The most powerful country in the world and the most powerful economy in the world, United States (US) leads the globe in science and technology and nearly in every research field which can be though of. It is the largest exporter of weapons and also other goods and services. This rich country in the world has a GDP of around 15 trillion US Dollars which makes it the richest and biggest economy in the world. It is one of the wealthiest economy on planet Earth. In American continent, this country is second to none.  Thus it is also the richest country in American continent (North as well as South America). This country is also the largest manufacturer in the world and the leading financial nation.

#8) United Arab Emirates (UAE)

GDP (PPP): $48,434
Capital: Abu Dhabi
Second Richest Arab Country in the World
Another richest country in Middle-East, United Arab Emirates consists of seven independent Emirates which are ruled by their individual monarchs. It is the second richest Arab country. Its GDP is third largest in Middle East after Saudi Arabia and Iran. It generates wealth from its oil and natural gas exports along with dried fish and dates. With depletion of oil reserves, UAE has started diversification of its businesses. This world’s richest country now plans to make UAE a big tourist destination and a leading financial market.

#9) Switzerland

GDP (PPP): $44,015
Capital: Bern
Parliament of Switzerland Country

Lying in the continent of Europe is this eight most rich nation. Switzerland has a diverse economy and it is one of the most stable economies of world. Economy of this wealthy country depends on banking, Tourism, Industries and Agriculture. Switzerland is also a leading exporter of high-end watches in the world. It is one of the financial havens for those seeking to hide their cash. On our top 10 world’s richest country, it ranks ninth.

#10) Kuwait – Rich Arab Country

GDP (PPP): $43,773
Capital: Kuwait City
Buildings in Kuwait - One of the richest Countries in the world
Kuwait is another prosperous country in middle-east. Like others, it also highly depends on petroleum for revenues. Crude Oil accounts for majority of its exports. It has a small population of 2.8 million. Per capita income of Kuwaitis is around $43,000 and this makes it one of the richest countries in the world.

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