Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Lindsay Lohan Sued for $5 Million By Clothing Company

Lindsay Lohan has been sued for $5 million by a clothing manufacturer, TMZ reports. D.N.A.M. Apparel has filed a countersuit against LiLo in response to the actress' $1.1 million suit, which claims that the company licensed her 6126 trademark.

In Lohan's suit, filed in January, the actress says that she made a deal with D.N.A.M. in 2009 that allowed the company to manufacture clothes for her 6126 clothing line. Lohan claims the company agreed to pay her and her partner Kristi Kaylor hundreds of thousands of dollars in exchange for D.N.A.M. to sell her clothes internationally, but never paid up.

Now, D.N.A.M. has responded with its own suit, claiming that by spring 2010, it was unable to find any retailers to buy the brand because of Lohan's troubled personal life. D.N.A.M claims that the actress' "drug-addled image" made 6126 unsellable, and it's now suing for breach of contract and fraud.

Kaylor denies D.N.A.M.'s claims and maintains that the company breached their licensing agreement. "The D.N.A.M. countersuit against 6126 is frivolous and misrepresents the facts," Kaylor tells E! News in a statement. "D.N.A.M. knows that it is in breach of the 6126 licensee agreement, and this suit is clearly nothing more than a transparent defense maneuver. Lindsay and I worked for over three years to build the 6126 brand and ensure its success; D.N.A.M. is merely trying to get out of honoring its financial obligations."

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