Wednesday, May 8, 2013

How I avoid sexual harassment– Singer Amaka Ukandu

Could you please tell us about your family background?
Meet the singer of a popular song entitled I Do, whose video songs will soon be on air. Although she may not have become a celebrity,  her music has gained her fame. Amaka Ukandu, who is known as Reign in the industry, is a talented Hip –Hop singer. According to her, she is not ready to quit knowing she has what it takes to get to the top. The singer, who hails from Umuahia in Abia State, is the fifth among eight siblings. She attended University of Port Harcourt where she read English Language and graduated in 2004. In this chat with Saturday Sun, she talks about her life as a musician.
What was your growing up like?
I grew up from a lovely home in Lagos. I was born in Umuahia but grew up in Lagos. After my primary education in Umuahia, I came to Lagos to live with my elder sister. I would say that things were not really tough for me. My parents were able to take care of us. They provided all we needed and when I came to Lagos, it became rosier. So, my growing up was fun.
What were you doing before you ventured into music?
When I left school, I did not want to work for anybody.  I started a mobile fashion business. I was selling and supplying wears. Then, I had an importer friend who was importing the clothes while I make the sales here. It was a flourishing business. I enjoyed every bit of it until I abandoned it for music. When I gained my ground in music, I went back to the business because it is really a business I do without stress.
When did you start singing?
I discovered when I was a teenager that I had a good voice and people around me were saying it. Then I was singing to entertain people and we had a group then in secondary school that wanted to come out with something. I wrote the songs but due to lack of exposure and indecision, we did not continue. Professionally, in 2008, I released my first album.
What motivated you in choosing music as a profession?
There was a place I usually sat out where a lady was singing. Each time I went there, she would be entertaining people and making money. I was enjoying it. One day, I told myself that if this woman could be singing with such courage and boldness, I could do better. Knowing I have a good voice, I talked to myself and right there, I took a decision that it was time for me to start something. The challenge then became what to sing and how to do something reasonable that would hit the market. I was ruminating on this when I remembered a studio where I was supplying wears to musicians. I remembered that I had seen people recording and producing their songs there. So, I went there and asked if someone else could write a song for another to record and I was told yes. The person I was asking told me that not all singers are writers or composers. So, I met Kanny, we discussed and he wrote the English version of  I Do while I wrote the Igbo version. That was how my music career started. I also started writing other songs with the help of my friends and colleagues.
What inspires you to write?
Our everyday experiences. For instance, there was a day I boarded a bus going to Apapa. Somewhere, a man entered the bus and stepped on someone’s toes. The person complained. Instead of the man saying sorry, he started arguing. I began to think about the incident, how it would have ended if he had said sorry, what it could result in if the argument continued and the rest. Just there an idea came to me and I wrote a song from that. So, what people pass through in life inspires my writing. I know that I can write songs very well but it is for me to develop the skill. I believe God that with time, I will become a professional writer and singer.
What kind of songs do you do?
I do inspirational songs but it would come in Hip hop.
What was your parents’ reaction when you started singing?
They were not surprised. They knew I have what it takes to become a professional singer. When I told them, they wished me well. My mother even prayed for me. So, I got their consent. That is why I am not ready to let them down.
What are your challenges as a musician?
My challenge has always been to promote the songs. It requires a lot of money to do the pushing. To be frank, it has really taken a lot from me.
What plans do you have to boost your business?
I have plans because my desire is to make it a very big fashion business. I could venture into designing. I may not go into details but I know that I have a plan.
What has music done to you?
I am enjoying what I am doing so, I am not complaining. The only thing is that people that know what I do, appreciate me. Some commend the songs but because I do not have a video yet, it limits my recognition. A lot of people hear the song and like it but if they see the singer, they won’t identify her. I am working on the video. In fact, it is almost ready. It will be out soon.
What are you doing to make Reign become a household name?
That is exactly what I am doing now. I am working on my video and I am not going to release songs that would not have positive impact on people. I am going to make sure that I give my listeners the best.
What are your expectations?
I want to be successful and fulfilled in this career. I want to get to the level of winning awards. I also want to see myself train upcoming musicians.
How do you cope with male admirers?
It is certain that men would admire women. Some would see me and simply say that they like my songs. It is not a big deal handling them.
Who is your ideal man?
My idea man should be God fearing, kind and loving. He should be a man I will have peace living with. A man who will take me for who I am and not for what I am. Most importantly, he has to accept me as a musician.
What can make you quit music?
I don’t think I would ever quit. Not even a husband will make me do that. That is why I said that my husband must accept what I do. If not, no marriage.
Are you into a relationship?
No, I am not. I don’t because this love of a thing can frustrate one. Men for all I care are distractions. So, let them wait. When I have made a name in my career, I will consider falling in love.
Have you got a sponsor?
Getting a sponsor is not in anybody’s hands. It is God that gives the connection. I have none yet, but I know that I would get one in no distant time. There are people who are not doing well in music but because they have sponsors, they are financially doing well.
Have you been sexually harassed?
No. I hear people say that but I have not experienced it and I will not. I think these things have to do with being with the wrong people, at the wrong place and at the wrong time. I always make sure that I am at the right place at the right time and with the right people.
What is your most memorable day?
It is yet to come. But I was so happy the day my album became a reality. It is just that I do not want it to be my most memorable day. The event that would mark my most memorable day is yet to happen.
What is your most embarrassing moment?
It is something that happens to everybody. So, I wouldn’t like to make it known.
What turns you off and on?
Pretenders and backbiters turn me off. I also hate people who flatter others. More so,  I like friends who are honest and kind.
What is your message to your fans?
I want them to know that I love them. Let them keep listening to my music. I am doing my best to give them the best. My video will soon be out.
Source: SUN

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